Breaking News for Evil Dead Fans:

Local Former SCAD student went crazy from cabin fever and ignorant theaters not having midnight releases anymore and started hallucinating demons. She took it upon her self and started slashing away with a chainsaw. She lost her arm in the process, she says it was possessed.

It was all caught on camera. Evil Dead based on true events. Ask for it at your local theater

About Alex Magness

I'm a writer and cinema studies guru who is currently a student at SCAD, pursuing my many passions. I'm currently working on this blog which will hopefully satisfy my obsession with movies along with several short stories. I pull inspiration from my library of beloved films as well as my edgy taste of musicians. I'm aspiring to become a movie critic who writes fiction novels on the side.
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1 Response to Breaking News for Evil Dead Fans:

  1. berjournal says:

    I always forget Sarah Jessica Parker is in this!

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