Kirsten Dunst Speaks Up against Skewed Feminism Beliefs

So last week women’s rights activists attacked Kirsten Dunst on the subject of femininity.  I really can’t believe she got attacked over this. I completely agree with her on this subject. I’m all for feminism and Kirsten Dunst is too from what I’ve read, but it does get to be a bit much. Especially if hardcore feminist fanatics are trying to force feed women with ignorant beliefs. If your not aware of this topic check out the article,Feminists Attack Kirsten Dunst Over Her Gender Preference”


“I feel like femininity has been a little undervauled, We all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying home, nurturing, being a mother, cooking–is a valuable thing my mom created. And sometimes you need your knight in shinning armor. I’m sorry sometimes you just need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman.”

Has Feminism Lost its Meaning ?

Feminists claim to support the modern woman, but in actuality they really only mean that they will only support the “correct” choices. In today’s culture the media and the activists teach women that in order to be a strong independent woman they have to be gung ho on having full-time careers and be men-haters.  What it should mean in my opinion is to stress the importance and dignity of a woman no matter how she decides to live her life.

What’s Wrong with being Feminine ?

Women’s activists have certainly made it clear that in order to be a feminist a woman needs to take on masculine roles, but is that really necessary?  I think that this perception undermines what feminism started out to be in the first place.  Feminists should want to embrace the persona of  being female and forget about acting like a male.  If feminism is the belief of women being equal to men then why are feminist shaken up at the comment that Kirsten Dunst made.

" I'm sorry sometimes you just need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman."

” I’m sorry sometimes you just need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman.”

It’s like something happened somewhere in time that skewed the empowerment of women and made women feel ashamed of their own femininity. Here’s a little heads up ladies we don’t have to view  our femininity as a weakness.  Yes, It’s okay to be girly! We can still be powerful and nurturing at the same time. Kirsten Dunst has the right idea.

It’s the 21st century, Why isn’t it okay for a Modern Woman to Love a Man?

Now this is a subject I feel very strongly about. I’m sick of all the hardcore feminist telling young women that men will only tear you down. No, that’s not true! It’s okay to have a knight in shining armor to sweep you of your feet. A man that is strong enough to stand right beside a woman. We don’t have to be a damsel in distress to get a guy. The best kind of love is the kind where the couple rescues each other. We can have it all!



“Sometimes you need your knight in shinning armor.”

About Alex Magness

I'm a writer and cinema studies guru who is currently a student at SCAD, pursuing my many passions. I'm currently working on this blog which will hopefully satisfy my obsession with movies along with several short stories. I pull inspiration from my library of beloved films as well as my edgy taste of musicians. I'm aspiring to become a movie critic who writes fiction novels on the side.
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1 Response to Kirsten Dunst Speaks Up against Skewed Feminism Beliefs

  1. oliviawest04 says:

    LOVE THIS. You took the words right out of my mouth. There’s no way around it: men and women are different. And trying to pretend otherwise is counterproductive. If feminism actually celebrated femininity, it would go a lot further. Great piece!

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