What is so amazing about the new Spiderman franchise?


Audiences get to see the Spiderman like how he’s portrayed in the comics. He is overly sarcastic and almost always goes over the top with friendly banter. If you saw the first Amazing Spiderman you got to see the glimmer of that in the first film, but now that I’ve seen The Amazing Spiderman 2 , I can see that it’s much more in your face. This probably due to the fact that the sequel doesn’t have to retell the background on how Spiderman came to be.

In The Amazing Spiderman 2, Spiderman, played by Andrew Garfield struggles with his promise that he made to Gwen Stacy’s father: to stay away from Gwen, so that she can be safe. The movie spends a lot of time with post break up couple as Spider-Man stalks a broken-hearted Gwen for nearly half of the movie. That being so, the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone is riveting and serves as a good balance from all the many villains that are introduced in the movie which is the big downside to the movie—Too much and way too fast. A person who has a background in comic books may be overwhelmed walking out of the theater.


The Amazing Spiderman franchise thrives on the top of the line visual effects which was severely lacking in Sam Raimi’s trilogy. Don’t get me wrong I love that series too, but The Amazing Spiderman has taken the super hero up to our expectations in the golden age of superhero movies.

About Alex Magness

I'm a writer and cinema studies guru who is currently a student at SCAD, pursuing my many passions. I'm currently working on this blog which will hopefully satisfy my obsession with movies along with several short stories. I pull inspiration from my library of beloved films as well as my edgy taste of musicians. I'm aspiring to become a movie critic who writes fiction novels on the side.
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